Saturday, April 18, 2009

a day with the goats

Well,not real goats then,my cousins to be ;p I missed Aliq and Jaba so much,but too bad Jaba's not around to join us for our ocassional movie outing. So it was just me, Ika and Aliq then. We went to One Utama(lama x lepak situ..).On our way there,Aliq kept bugging us asking when are we gona get there,because he was dumb enough to get there too early!When all of us got together,we went to the money changer,Ika wanted to change her Euros into RM.And the we headed straight to Seoul Garden Restaurant.There,we ate a hell lot of stuffs!

After that,we went window shopping here and there. I fell in love with a lot of t-shirts at the F.O.S, but couldnt decide what to buy,so i ended up with not buying any. -_-' Later we went to catch a movie,we watched Coming Soon. Mcm haram nye mencuakkan. Sampai aku pown later rasa mcm takut2 jugak. Grhh. I dont usually like to watch horror movies at the cinemas,or infact any other places la,but watching it with my cousins make alot of difference,hehe.

So overall yesterday was fun,and simple.Only the absence of Jaba was a little bit saddening. I miss him so ;(

we had our fantastic lunch here!

lupa plak nak rotate.hehe.hotplate!hotplate!

happy faces after eating.yumyumyumm

beruk no.1

beruk no.2

beruk no.3

drinking Eno sbb perut angin.
habis aku kentut2 lepas tu.

waiting for our movie to start ;)

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