Thursday, May 28, 2009



Oh my god, like really, how funny can it be, stumbling over and reading a few people's blogs, and I dont even like these people!

Blablablabla.. Im just bored that's why Im bitching all by myself, without anyone to bitch around with.

I just had my lunch; Domino's pizza and coke. Yummm @.@
Secret of the day : Its 4.44 pm and i still haven't taken my shower yet. If epul finds out, he's gona be mad. So sorry baby ;)

My sister's coming back this Saturday. Yayy! I miss her alot, so many things to talk about. You just wait bitch.

Im having my final exam next week. Fortunately my papers are only for 2 days; Monday and Tuesday,so by Tuesday night Im free like a bird in the pants!(haha eew that's gross).


Nak mandi.

wangi wangi wangi...


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