Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Hello fellow bloggers,

I have been quite inactive with my blog lately, due to hectic everyday schedule, and personal life. Anyways, I've just redecorated my hostel room. It looks alot tidier than before :) Though it doesnt seem to come as close as neat as Lydia's room! Her roommate decorated their room oh-so-perfectly. I just love it! I esembled the book shelf on my own, and my fingers are sore. But nevertheless, the outcome is great! I aint that bad with DIYs ayy? ;p

Anywayzzeee, countdown to Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is getting nearer and nearer. Cant wait! yeepee! ;D

Lots of love <333

1 comment:

lydianarahman said...

damn funny..
my room not really perfect like u think though..;P
btw, u shud move out,im not "BATU API" but is 4 ur own good..
n makes u more comfortable..
and u doin a good job 4 redecorating ur room..