Friday, October 24, 2008

s . o . s

i woke up,surprisingly early today.8 am . yepp. i couldnt believe my own eyes either.but when i woke up,and looked at my phone,the time was 8.00 am.i lazed around on the bed for about half an hour or so,lepas tu terus bangun and gi tgk toilet gosok gigi basuh muka,and cari makan dlm dapur.i ate milo cereal,and bread with butter.kenyang ke?x is the 2nd day syg's in indon.semalam satu hari x contact dia,except in the morning laa before his plane took off ;( kena laa tunggu sampai dia balik.sedih.rinduuuuuuuuu.balik nanti gi tgk high school musical 3 yeah ? hehe =p

ok now im just bored.anyone have any ideas
on what to do on this lazy lazy friday ?

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