Monday, August 31, 2009


Hello, hello, hello to all fellow bloggers and readers. Rasanya macam dah setahun x menulis, tapi xde laa lama mcm tu. Harini aku x puasa, sebab cuti yang telah dikurniakan oleh-Nya. Hehe. Btw, aku dah balik kolej sekarang, it is 4 pm, and im watchng Lalola on TV3, as usual. Tried to open up Pet Society, but the connection's kind of slow. *what a bummer*

Today is is Malaysia's 52nd Independance Day! Selamat Hari Merdeka, everyone!

X byk nak direportkan. Oh my friend Aida celebrated her 19th birthday yesterday, Happy 19th Birthday ngokngek :) sayang kau ok.

Well, i guess now i might have to look for things to do to kill time. Bosan dehh.

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