this person sent me a friend request a few days ago,and im pretty sure I'm not going to approve his request,
nor this person if she ever adds me..

who are they?
they are my Papa & Ibu.
bahhahahah ;p
jahat en aku.
love you Pa,
love you Ibu,
ya allah!
pa and ibu ada faceboook!
seb bek abah mama bukan kaki tenet nehh.
auntie2 and kazen kite semuaaa ada kot.
paklang da add fara hari tuh.
sep baek fara x slalu bkk facebook.
so,tade laa bende yg mcm 'teetttt'.
kn? hehe.
so fara approved jew.
oh kak meera,
ayah pon da ada facebookk!
oh tidak :)
jgn nanty ayah buat myspace sudeh :p
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