Monday, January 5, 2009

5th day of the year

new year was life-changing.
i reminisced all the things that've happened in the previous year,or years to be exact.
for this first 5 days of 2009 i've been watching Greek & Kyle XY, other than that I was pissed like hell because someone was late.I was on holiday since christmas,just getting used to not having to go to classes,poof,holiday's over.came back to kolej yesterday,syg fetched me from home.woke up early this morning,carried a really big and heavy book,only to find that the lecturer couldnt make it to class.ARGGH.stress.went back up to my room,watched Madagascar 1,did my assignments for Azman's class,was halfway done,went out to eat with syg,came back to my room,and found out my assignments werent there anymore.gone.from my screen.and by the looks of it,it seemed that someone had touched my laptop.errgghhhh im so having a bitch fit right now!(chehhh white chicks plak,hehe) aku buat laa baru balik semula,and now its done.nak hantar kat seha.hoping that it would help her with the presentation we're doing this thursday.i extracted as many notes i can from the book,and typed it im not sure what to do.the study case he asked us to do,i havent done it yet.TO DO or NOT TO DO?that is the question.dia kata dia x bagi marks pown,tp nanti tunjuk laa sape yg betul nak belajar,and sape xnak.perghh.aku boleh jea buat tapi hantar later laa boleh x? eeeeeeeeeeeeee @.@ to think about it,finals is like less than 10 weeks away,am I right?ke salah?ikut sukahati lebih kurang mcm tuh laa.bodohs btol.i think i might start studying now.kalau x nak kena terajang ngan Papa a.k.a Singa . kalau chomel mcm Alex Madagascar ke,Lion King ke,xpe.he is so giving me headaches,even when im away from him ! x pasal2 gaduh dgn dia is ""sweet"".


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