Friday, January 2, 2009

2009 resolution(s)

each and every year,i'll list down resolutions that i would like to,atleast try to accomplish for that particular year.some of the resolutions are just the same,and once in a while there would be new resolutions added to the list.but most of the times i dont really fulfil those resolutions.for example,losing weight has been in my resolution list for a few years now,and i dont see any progressions!being a nice daughter,NAAH.i still fight and scream with my a better sister?THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN.baru jea tadi kat jusco adik buat aku bengang,and aku tarik rambut dia,dia tarik balik,and 2-2 tarik,wrestling kat situ.bodoh.pastu ibu ckp look at you guys,you look stupid.ada laa mata2 yg memandang.ahhhh kesah apa aku!adik yg bongok.hmm,other than that,be a better friend?pown aku rasa aku for this year,i'll still list down a number of resolutions,and see at the end of this year,how things go ayy ?

here goes..

2009 new year resolutions :

be a good daughter.
be a nice sister.
be a dependable friend.
study hard <- i always take this one too lightly. be a good Muslim ; huahua. ni mmg payah sikit disebabkan aku ni ada tanduk tersorok yg berlebihan. learn to save money. and the list goes on i guess.. generally i just want to change for my own be better. :)

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