Friday, October 24, 2008


harini aku baca balik semua text message dlm inbox aku.ada laa nak masuk 900 messages.penat aku delete.xboleh nak delete semua sekali,because some aku mmg suka simpan pown.bila scroll kat bwh2,byk aku tgk msg dr *hmn. aku x delete2 pown.aku dah xde feelings apa2 pown kat dia,not even one bit.rindu pown x ada . tp what is the reason i still keep all those messages ? maybe because msg2 tuh pnah buat aku senyum once upon a time.most of the messages dia hantar semua morning and goodnight wishes.i still remember,waking up in the morning,and almost everytime i check my phone,there it would be,a nice warm morning wish from him.even before he goes to sleep,he would wish me goodnight.not even one of my ex-boyfriends ever done that yg rajin send morning and night wishes shows that they think about you before and after he sleeps.maybe tu yg buat aku terharu.but it's time to say goodbye to the past.right ? kita jalan kedepan,bukan kebelakang.


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