so many things have happened this year,the bad the good and the ohh-so-ugly.i turned 18 this year,all of us got our spm results this year,i went in and out of hell,started college,i had ridiculous rows and fights with my parents,lost a number of friends,and gain new ones too.found my love ;) , and received new family members.2008's ending,welcoming 2009 with alot of new expectations. with hopes that next year will bring differences to my life,our lives.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Sunday, December 28, 2008
satu hari yang..
today i went to jusco with my sister.we walked around trying out clothes,and shoes.i bought one pink cardigan ; so cute ! stayed in my room watching Greek when im not doing anything else.went to ampang point for dinner,because i was craving for 1901 hotdogs.then we went to the store upstairs and i bought more clothes and a pair of shoes.yayy ! now im back on my bed,continue watching greek on youtube,because downloading them on ares would take me forever to do so! fuck youuuu ares.lalallala ;D
Saturday, December 27, 2008
surprised visit and unexpected encounter
smlm aku tetiba dpt phone call,i answered the house phone,and it was phat.tapi afterthat tukar org,it was dinie.he asked me to come down and meet him.aku dah laa baru jea balik dari shah alam,baru jea hbs mandi,x pakai baju aku dgn marah2 ni,pakai baju,and turun.sekali tgk dinie ada prob..kitorang lepak kat bwh tepi kete,smpai 3.30 pagi,baru laa aku naik.tapi aku 4.15 baru tido.and then pagi tadi,kuar gi beli breakfast kat nasi lemak J,iman yg turun,aku tunggu dlm kete,tiba2 dr jauh aku nampak satu mamat ni tgk aku and dtg kearah kete aku,terus bukak pintu,and duduk sebelah aku.alan oh !!!and a few seconds later afiq pulak dtg,duk kat belakang.aku happy gilaaaa.baru smlm aku complain dorang balik cuti x lepak ngan aku pown.bengang jeaa.tapi seriously i was happy to see lepak2 dgn diorang jap dlm kete borak2 skejap jea,n then aku halau diorang kuar kete.aku nak balik makan.hehe inshaallah maybe malam ni lepak dgn diorang.yayy ;) rindu dehh ..
3's a crowd .
memories flashes like evening thunder.
quite and calm,but all so sudden.
you see what you have been hiding from,
and you remember those you have forgotten.
keep on running,and somehow they will still
find a way to catch up .
quite and calm,but all so sudden.
you see what you have been hiding from,
and you remember those you have forgotten.
keep on running,and somehow they will still
find a way to catch up .
Friday, December 26, 2008
ngokngek dah pandai
rumah sebelah masjid ..konon.
aku rindu kau ngek.time aku
cuti laa kau nak gi thailand.
aku rindu kau ngek.time aku
cuti laa kau nak gi thailand.
maliki - liki
hey hoo fellow bloggers,and loyal blog readers all over . ive been delaying all blogging activities ever since i left my laptop cable at kak in's hse,thus preventing me from going online.i spent my days in college this week without the presence of my dear laptop,which sucked alot.i had nothing else to do while waiting for class,so i just sleep and its our mid-sem break,yayy!that means i have time to relax,and take a break.although i think i do have a number of assignments to be done in this so called given free time.awhh shitss.i dont even know what are the assignments,i didnt go to my wednesday classes.i didnt have morning class on that particular day,so i woke up early,and when i woke up,my mom just came to college and pick me up early,and i just went back home straight,skipping the noon and the night class. lazyy ass mofo -_-' anyways,yesterday was christmas,not so into the festive mood,just watched a couple of movies on tv.yeah same old movies,open season,transformers,simpsons the movie,and blablabla etc...thinking of going to Ikea,i just wana look thinking of buying a new side-table lamp,which i already had before someone in this house broke it.i dont like using the main light in my room,its so bright.i like my room dimly lit,ohh soo romantic.hahah ;p im bored.i miss my friends already.aida's gone to thailand for a last minute holiday with her family,and ting's started her FA training.huhu..i want money pls,and i can go shopping with my sister.ibu's on leave until new year,and she's got loads of work to do,so basically her car's free,and im to use it whenever i want,with exception that i have to use my own cash to fill up the tank.ngehhh if only i am related to donald trump.what a life for now,i'll just laze around in my room,on the comfort of my queen-sized bed,facing my lappie,waiting greek to finish downloading,which ive been waiting for a couple of weeks now.grrrh IM SO PISSED OFF.
adios schmigos.
adios schmigos.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
tagged by syaza ismail
First name:
Name you wish you had:
- D H A M I R A sudeh !!
What do people normally know your name as:
- mira,meera,mir,dhammy
-05 03 1990
- klinik sambhi kuala lumpur
Time of birth:
- xtaw
Single or taken:
- taken by snd ;)
Zodiac sign:
- pisces
My apperiance
How tall are you:
- 158 cm
Wish you were taller:
- nope
Eye color :
-dark brown.
Current hair color:
- revlon medium auburn
Short or long hair:
- lo lo lo longg
Ever dye your hair a bizarre color:
- yeah. xde laa bizarre mana
Last time you did something dramatic with you hair:
- x prnah
Glasses or contacts:
- glasses.kdg2
Do you wear make up:
- yuppie yup
Paint your nails:
- yup yupp once in a while
Shy or outgoing:
- shy.very very shy
Sexy or cute:
- huahuahauhau.sexycute
Serious or fun:
- both
A turn on:
- someone who can make me smile just by thinking bout him ;)
A turn off:
- busuk !!!
This or That
Flowers or chocolates:
- both pls.
Pepsi or coke:
- coke
Rap or rock:
- rock
Relationship or one night stand:
- relationship laa
School or work:
- college.hehe
Love or money:
- money ? haha. no love
Movie or music:
- music bebeh
Country or city:
- im a city girl
Sunny or rainy days:
- both are nice
Friends or family:
- both pls
Have you Ever lied:
- yupp. all the time.chehh
Stole something:
- well...i wudnt call it stealing
- yeah
Hurt someone close to you:
- yeahh
Broke someone's heart:
- err. ntah
Wonder what was wrong with you:
- still wondering
Wish you were prince or princess:
- no thank you
Like someone who was taken:
- nope
Shaved your head:
- ke aku botak
Used chopstick:
- yeppa
Sang in the mirror to yourself:
- bunga taik ayam
- lollipop
- rock your cock
- victoria's secret
- pink
- harry potter
- sitinurhaliza.hahahahahaha
Junk food:
- twisties
- myspace
- my room
Animal :
- kitty
Ever cried over someone:
- yupp
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself:
- xmaw laa.Accept me for who i am idiot
Do you think you're attractive:
- semestinya saya dan maggi
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose:
Belle.Beauty and the beast. <<-- alaa jaja ni.i pown nak belle laa hehe
Do you play any sports:
- is shopping considered as sports?if it is,id be champion ! ;p
Name you wish you had:
- D H A M I R A sudeh !!
What do people normally know your name as:
- mira,meera,mir,dhammy
-05 03 1990
- klinik sambhi kuala lumpur
Time of birth:
- xtaw
Single or taken:
- taken by snd ;)
Zodiac sign:
- pisces
My apperiance
How tall are you:
- 158 cm
Wish you were taller:
- nope
Eye color :
-dark brown.
Current hair color:
- revlon medium auburn
Short or long hair:
- lo lo lo longg
Ever dye your hair a bizarre color:
- yeah. xde laa bizarre mana
Last time you did something dramatic with you hair:
- x prnah
Glasses or contacts:
- glasses.kdg2
Do you wear make up:
- yuppie yup
Paint your nails:
- yup yupp once in a while
Shy or outgoing:
- shy.very very shy
Sexy or cute:
- huahuahauhau.sexycute
Serious or fun:
- both
A turn on:
- someone who can make me smile just by thinking bout him ;)
A turn off:
- busuk !!!
This or That
Flowers or chocolates:
- both pls.
Pepsi or coke:
- coke
Rap or rock:
- rock
Relationship or one night stand:
- relationship laa
School or work:
- college.hehe
Love or money:
- money ? haha. no love
Movie or music:
- music bebeh
Country or city:
- im a city girl
Sunny or rainy days:
- both are nice
Friends or family:
- both pls
Have you Ever lied:
- yupp. all the time.chehh
Stole something:
- well...i wudnt call it stealing
- yeah
Hurt someone close to you:
- yeahh
Broke someone's heart:
- err. ntah
Wonder what was wrong with you:
- still wondering
Wish you were prince or princess:
- no thank you
Like someone who was taken:
- nope
Shaved your head:
- ke aku botak
Used chopstick:
- yeppa
Sang in the mirror to yourself:
- bunga taik ayam
- lollipop
- rock your cock
- victoria's secret
- pink
- harry potter
- sitinurhaliza.hahahahahaha
Junk food:
- twisties
- myspace
- my room
Animal :
- kitty
Ever cried over someone:
- yupp
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself:
- xmaw laa.Accept me for who i am idiot
Do you think you're attractive:
- semestinya saya dan maggi
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose:
Belle.Beauty and the beast. <<-- alaa jaja ni.i pown nak belle laa hehe
Do you play any sports:
- is shopping considered as sports?if it is,id be champion ! ;p
Saturday, December 20, 2008
number 21
1.32 am - december 20th 2008.
i cant sleep.eventhough i've said goodnight to my boyfriend about an hour ago.or it could've been more than that.i just went online,and just listened to body doesnt feel that good.i've been feeling like im about to throw up anytime,and my body is like heating up.its from the inside. =S rasa mcm nak demam,tp x.anyways,chatted with dinie,phat,and acap teddy on msn.dah xde supposed to be sleeping now,tomorrow we have to wake up early and gather at ika's hse.tgk laa aku boleh bgn ke x ni esok.haishh.anyways,i think i'll try and go to sleep now.daa~
i cant sleep.eventhough i've said goodnight to my boyfriend about an hour ago.or it could've been more than that.i just went online,and just listened to body doesnt feel that good.i've been feeling like im about to throw up anytime,and my body is like heating up.its from the inside. =S rasa mcm nak demam,tp x.anyways,chatted with dinie,phat,and acap teddy on msn.dah xde supposed to be sleeping now,tomorrow we have to wake up early and gather at ika's hse.tgk laa aku boleh bgn ke x ni esok.haishh.anyways,i think i'll try and go to sleep now.daa~
Thursday, December 18, 2008
instant nephews

ni plak,daniel/abang.dia ni pak lawak sikit.suka posing mcm statue of liberty.-_-' aku pown x paham kenapa dia teruja sgt.dia kata dia suka pose pegang obor tuh.okay laa..aku pown x mampu nak kata apa dah selain meng-iya-kan aje apa dia ckp tuh.haha ;p

auntie ika and rayman.ada ke adik aku ckp ray mcm frodo baggins dlm gambar ni.
harini aku dgn ika bwk budak2 ni gi jalan kat petrosains klcc,sbb diorang dah complain bosan duduk kitorang gi petrosains,jaba,asma,and amir ikut sekali.rayman dah excited laa sbb uncle amir dia ada.hyper nak mampus budak2 ni,for a second there aku dah complain xmaw anak dah besar nanti,hahaha.jalan dlm petrosains tu mmg letih hbs arh.rasa nk tercabut kaki.nak kejar budak2 ni lagi.ingat senang ??? budak2 lari laju!aku gemuk,mmg semput lah.dah laa time nak lunch.ya allah foodcourt ramai nk kitorang beli mcd and picnic kat depan fountain jea.panas pulak tuh,berteduh bwh pokok,bersila atas lantai,and bantai makan.yeahh!but overall we had fun. =) ohh.and bak kata abang ' ehh pretosains bunyi mcm potatosains aje'. haissshh.ada2 jeaa budak ni merepek dlm kepala dia.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
pagi yg x berapa nak pagi
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
newly weds
aku x berkesempatan(btol ke perkataan ni?walaupun spm aku bahasa melayu A2,tp still pertuturan bahasa ibunda aku lopek.harap maaf)nak tunjuk korang muka abg sedara baru dia gambar time wedding 6th december yg lepas.
Monday, December 15, 2008
thank you
despite being in and out of friendship for countless of times,i still find myself needing her as much as i needed her before.i couldnt deny all the harsh words we threw into each other's faces,the horrible ways we treated each other,and i couldnt just rub away all the good and bad times we had all these years that we've been friends.we dont talk that often anymore,i practically have to lie to myself that things are different,and i could not let myself admit that i need her..but at fragile times like this,i cant restrain myself from looking for her,seeking emotional support,which im glad she still accepts me open arms,without an inch of remorse.she is the only one i tell everything to,without having to say much,as she does all the asking,and know exactly what to ask,and what to say.i hope you will never go away,friend.because you know i need you,even if i dont say it out loud.
balancing life
we dont always get what we want in life.
ada sesetengah benda,hanya dpt dilihat,tp xdapat nk disentuh.
ada sesetengah benda pula,dah mmg kita yg punya,tp masih x mencukupi.
tamak ke tu ? aku harap tidak .
ada sesetengah benda,hanya dpt dilihat,tp xdapat nk disentuh.
ada sesetengah benda pula,dah mmg kita yg punya,tp masih x mencukupi.
tamak ke tu ? aku harap tidak .
Sunday, December 14, 2008

LG KS360 ; i want !
okay,after iman showed me this phone,i fell in love instantly with it.the design is sleek,and cute,and beautiful.i just want it so badly ! both of us want it badly.i want the pink one that's for sure,and iman wants the silver one.but personally i think the red one looks hot what we did was,made a proposal to papa.we asked him to buy these for us ! and make a deal to pay him back.installments laa.ahahahha.fixed price at rm 699 , me want it please please and pretty please ;( papa said he'd think about it first,and would let us know by the end of this month.arghh i really hope he'd say okay !
ares mcm sial
greek season 1 episode 4
kyle xy season 2 episode 10
dah nk dekat seminggu setengah aku download tp x dpt2 lagi.what the hell ?!i need those.feeeeeed meeee with greek kyle xy onetreehill & gossipgirl,i'll be happy.
kyle xy season 2 episode 10
dah nk dekat seminggu setengah aku download tp x dpt2 lagi.what the hell ?!i need those.feeeeeed meeee with greek kyle xy onetreehill & gossipgirl,i'll be happy.
moody ? not so .
like shit.
moody ? not so .
like shit.
im hungry.i woke up around 9.30 today,went on9 for a few minutes,listened to some songs,and went back on the bed.layed down,roll left to right,just to find the right spot.but i couldnt sleep,i was thinking,until finally i fell asleep.i woke up again around head hurt,but its better now.i dont know for what reason,i just dont feel like doing anything today.not in the mood for nothing.i just feel like snuggling under the comforter,and laze around until its time for me to actually do something.i want to get some lunch,ibu already had hers,so she asked me to go out and get my own.i texted ting and aida,but they already have plans i assume.ting is at ayin's place,and aida didnt even reply my text.adik's not here,she went to pa's house earlier's taking her to get all her school stuffs,since school holidays are coming to the end,in less than 3 fast time flies :(
as im writing this specific blog,im looking at the noteboard hanging on the wall infront of me.most of the stuffs pinned up on the board are that means so much to me,or had meant something once upon a time in my of moments captured in the past.moments that tells a story.
there are school class-pictures ; form 3,form 4,form 5. every year brought different memories,different people into my life.there's a picture of me,alan,afiq and dinie.the picture was taken during raya 2007 at my place.3 boys i was most close with in class.i miss them.there's the gift wrapper that was used to wrap the gift najiy gave me during valentine's day 2007,ticket of malam sekalung budi 3 2006,a ticket of the 'puteri gunung ledang' theatre play,where all of us went(the girlfriends),there's a picture of the 7 of us girls during hari karnival 2007,i dont know why i still keep this picture.its just a lie.that 7 smiling faces didnt know what was going to happen later.a picture of me,jaba,and ika in bandung.a picture of me and ika,a picture of me and adik,a picture of arief gigi,which phat gave me back in 2005/form 3,i remembered giggling gedykly when i got that picture.a picture of me when i was 15,a picture of ibu in her early 20' plane ticket to los angeles dated 2002.the f1 ticket which i went with ibu in 2003 i think,and this ticket is clipped together with the 'director' tag/phantom of the opera play 2004.i still remember every single thing that happened during those days we worked on producing the was horrible!but it was fun.and there's a card given by phat at the end of the year 2002,before we ended our primary school days.there's 2 necklaces,one with a 'D' given by ashed,and another one with sea shells,given by phat.and ahh,my spm result slip pinned right at the bottom right corner of the board.oh last but not least,there's the paper cutting of the article written about a tragic accident that happened in october 2006.a friend was lost,and it really did make an impact to all of us.
so you see,all those stuffs pinned up on the board,are things that are meaningful to me,or things that reminds me of things or people that were once important in my is,in other word,my external memory :)
as im writing this specific blog,im looking at the noteboard hanging on the wall infront of me.most of the stuffs pinned up on the board are that means so much to me,or had meant something once upon a time in my of moments captured in the past.moments that tells a story.
there are school class-pictures ; form 3,form 4,form 5. every year brought different memories,different people into my life.there's a picture of me,alan,afiq and dinie.the picture was taken during raya 2007 at my place.3 boys i was most close with in class.i miss them.there's the gift wrapper that was used to wrap the gift najiy gave me during valentine's day 2007,ticket of malam sekalung budi 3 2006,a ticket of the 'puteri gunung ledang' theatre play,where all of us went(the girlfriends),there's a picture of the 7 of us girls during hari karnival 2007,i dont know why i still keep this picture.its just a lie.that 7 smiling faces didnt know what was going to happen later.a picture of me,jaba,and ika in bandung.a picture of me and ika,a picture of me and adik,a picture of arief gigi,which phat gave me back in 2005/form 3,i remembered giggling gedykly when i got that picture.a picture of me when i was 15,a picture of ibu in her early 20' plane ticket to los angeles dated 2002.the f1 ticket which i went with ibu in 2003 i think,and this ticket is clipped together with the 'director' tag/phantom of the opera play 2004.i still remember every single thing that happened during those days we worked on producing the was horrible!but it was fun.and there's a card given by phat at the end of the year 2002,before we ended our primary school days.there's 2 necklaces,one with a 'D' given by ashed,and another one with sea shells,given by phat.and ahh,my spm result slip pinned right at the bottom right corner of the board.oh last but not least,there's the paper cutting of the article written about a tragic accident that happened in october 2006.a friend was lost,and it really did make an impact to all of us.
so you see,all those stuffs pinned up on the board,are things that are meaningful to me,or things that reminds me of things or people that were once important in my is,in other word,my external memory :)
Saturday, December 13, 2008
dinie zulfadhli dah besar

Happy 18th Birthday Dinie Zulfadhli !
hope you had a great day with us 3 + adik sekali (:
reminds us of the good old days in school eh,hehe.
although you did lose the bracelet i gave you,
babi btol.aku xnak bagi pape kat kau dah doh !
agenda harini : lunch kat haji tapah permata,later luqman ngan awek dia dtg join.pastu gerak pavilion,beli ticket movie,tgk cerita apa nama,the day the earth stood still.sementara tunggu movie start,gi lepak starbucks,lepas tu gerak naik atas gi gsc.dlm movie x dok sekali.sbb seat dah mcm pecah2 semua.nak dok semua one row mmg kena dok row depan screen,mmg peracay kita semua nk dongak atas tgk afiq dok dgn aziera,luke ngan hazlin dok belakang afiq n aziera,row across afiq ngan aziera,aku dok ngan dinie,n iman dok sorang belakang aku.hehe.cian mcm taik sebenarnya,sangap nk mampos.buang duit jea.lepas tu ingat nk mkn mcd,tp x jd.sbb dah semak kl ramai sgt kitorang decide nk lepak nz wangsa maju jea.kat nz mkn2,minum2,borak2,pastu hantar semua best harini .

Friday, December 12, 2008
mampusss akuuu
wohh.dah pukul 12.30,tadi x lapar,skrg baru terasa nk mkn.xpe lepas ni gi carrefour dgn iman laa,cari makan,cari pasal.hehe.aku tgh dgr2 lagu ni,pastu tgh aku scroll playlist aku,aku nampak lagu nidji - hapus aku,terus aku click play.teringat mlm before wedding kak in minggu lepas,dlm kereta nk gi amik 'diva' kat lcct , - nyah yg make up kakak sedara aku time wedding dia,dlm kereta jaba pasang cd lagu indon2,and aku dok tukar2 lagu sampai aku terjumpa lagu ni.mmg kitorang 3 menyanyi laa.x pasti plak ika,yg aku taw aku ngan jaba dlm kete dah best nyanyi.haha.n teringat pulak dkat ibu,dia nak suruh masukkan lagu tu dlm ipod dia,tp x ingat title lagu,dia gi kata title lagu tu 'mampus aku' . hahahahahaha..bonda bonda..part mana ntah mampus aku. ;) papehal lagu ni best.
letihnya.sakit badan.baru balik celebrate birthday sultan.haha chohh sikit aku nk celebrate birthday nya aku kena buang negeri part sakit badan tu btol laa.dah seminggu aku rasa mcm ni,badan aku sengal sakit2,kalau dpt urut kaw mmg syiokkk habis ah aku kata.x larat oh,celaka baru balik nz.aida ngan iman mlm ni mmg melantak,dah makan kuey teow,lepas tu order burger sorang satu pulak.jumpa ali ngan syamil.haishh.adik2 chomel ;p budak budak , ohh budak budak ..aku download gossip girl x dpt2 lg,bangang btol.skrg follow cite baru.greek.haha layan gak laa.favourite character dlm cite tu, cappie . cute dehhhh .
Thursday, December 11, 2008
happy birthday sultan selangor !
makan nasi ; gemok
makan angin ; kembong perut
makan penumbuk ; sakit
makan cili ; terasa laa pedasnye
makan hati ; kenyang gila
makan angin ; kembong perut
makan penumbuk ; sakit
makan cili ; terasa laa pedasnye
makan hati ; kenyang gila
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
a hah !
surprisingly dr last week,sampai minggu ni,internet connection maxis broadband kat kolej laju jea.aku pown heran,tp xpe,im not complaining.lg bagus ! kalau x mcm mana aku nak online.ok.harini aku gi kelas els ada presentation,group dah laa ramai,tapi our presentation was jea!congrats to jaja & sep,diorang yg preparekan the slides i think.and the others yg came up with all the ideas presented*sketches,map,logo,name.etc.hehehe . ohh not to forget the fashion show.although i think the audience didnt really applaud bkn sbb bosan or x suka,it was because miss yaso warning jgn buat bising,nanti 5 markah kena buang.gila kejam ohh ;( ohh im hungry.tadi gi kafe,kedai2 x bukak ??? kecuali kedai mamak,and kedai nasi kat sebelah dia,tp td kedai tu baru bukak and aku malas nak dok situ sorang2,so aku beli pepsi and terus balik bilik jea.lepas ni nk gi kafe balik nk print assignment.eeeee malas ohh..kalau dekat xpe laa jugak.
Monday, December 8, 2008
mcm mana cara paling senang nak tenangkan diri,bila hati rasa pedih?kalau ada ubat kat dunia ni yg boleh sembuhkan luka yg x nampak,lama dah aku beli.anyways,selamat hari raya aidil adha to all.pagi raya hujan,sejuk mendung jea.mencerminkan perasaan ramai org,lagi2 mangsa tanah runtuh bukit antarabangsa.budak2 mwt yg ramai dok atas sana,aku simpati laa.dah berapa kali plak en tanah runtuh kat B.A tuh.ibu pagi raya dah mandikan kucing,tp 3 ekor jea laa mandi.stuart,bat,dgn si kechik tu(lupa nk bgtaw ibu ada kutip anak kucing minggu lepas,dah kechik sgt,sian tinggal kat bwh.maybe nak bg mama et kowt).so kucing2 dah wangi.hee..
Sunday, December 7, 2008
raya eve
pergh..what a tiring weekend it had been.prepare majlis pernikahan kak in dgn abg yusran.LETIH ok.x cukup tido,letih,mata dah mcm panda,badan lenguh2.siapa reti mengurut?tolong urut boleh ? ;p hehe . tp so far overall it was aku mcm biasa kecoh riuh-rendah satu rumah.mmg x sah kalau x bising sekampung kalau semua berkumpul sekali.the majlis was nice.kak in looked beautiful,and abg yusran sengal dan kerek seperti biasa.bising pulak camera ika penuh gambar aku aida dgn ting,and perli2 boyfriend aku plak.haha xpe aku bg can kat big bro kan.nasib baik esok cuti raya,xde laa nak ke kolej penat2. haha . skrg xde idea nk update apa kat blog,but i'll write more later,that's for sure !
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
antoo fighter
tghari tadi aku lepak kafe dgn abg2 & kakak2 aku . haha . shy ayoi awin myr and liya.kila xde pulak,tp ada before that aku nampak dia dlm kete dgn ayu,baru balik from kelas kowt.sampai kat kafe borak2,dpt tahu from diorang kila nye laptop kena curi,kuaja btol laa sape yg curi.dah laa tingkat 2 pulak tu,tingkat aku ! aku pulak selalu jea keluar masuk bilik x lock pintu..sian kila.anyways,tadi lepak dgn diorang , diorang cite pasal hantu,kena santau rasuk dan yg sekutu dgnnya.aku dgr jea laa,tapi aku ada la jugak menyampuk sekali dua cite pengalaman yg aku dgr from family members aku sendiri.cuak jugak dengar,haishh.liya pulak mulut celupar kata mlm ni hbs laa semua x boleh tido.ada jugak kang makan penyepak aku ! skrg aku rasa mcm letih plak,nak mandi,tapi mengantuk.jakgy laa lepas bgn tido.kelas mlm ni x pergi rasanye,x larat laa..letih..fizikal and mental.emosi pown letih echewahh poyo jea ;p papehal mmg x larat.nak tido jap. ngee ;D
selamat pagi malas- ia
malas - ia.
malas - ia.
yaaaaa malas , tu laa perkataan paling tepat nak terangkan perasaan aku skrg ni . malas nak pergi kelas.3 hari straight dlm seminggu kelas aku semua ada pagi.x kul 8,mesti kul 9.what the heckk.mengganggu ketenteraman awam btol.pape jea laa.lama jugak x update blog en.been bz lately.BZ LAA SGT,internet connection kat kolej jea yg mcm siput babi.lopek btol maxis broadband.harini dah hari rabu,aku ada kelas sampai 10 mlm kowt.lecturer part-time tu ok laa,cuma dia mcm boring skit..ngantok kaw nye laa dok dlm kelas dia -_-' aku rindu kwn2 aku gegila,lama x jumpa.ingat weekend ni nak lepak,tp masa x mengizinkan..sbb aku esok sampai sabtu akan bz dgn kak in punya wedding lg.hari sabtu ni dia bernikah,and ada family reception,bersanding besar-besaran 20hb nanti,and belah laki pulak the next day,on the until then bz laa jugak .tp mcm laa aku tolong buat pape pown,tlg tgk and buat kacau ada laa hehe ;)
cerita baru ? x ada kowt. ohh haha dlm kelas psychology of communication aku,ada budak dcc ni sem berapa ntah , dia mcm pelik2 sikit,so last week was our first class with encik syukran tu la,he asked us to introduce lepas dah ' my name is dhamira' , my name is tu & my name is ni,sampai laa kat budak botak ni . (aku panggil dia BB jea laa,budak botak),time sampai kat dia,encik syukran tanya,what is your name,n jawapan bb ialah ... jeng jeng jeng.. 'err,my name is torres'. pastu encik syukran tanya bb where are you from ? .. 'im from liverpool' . ahahahahahahahaha aku mmg bantai tahan gelak.adoii .. @.@
lupa nak ckp,birthday aziera ain was on the 1st of disember.happy birthday to her :)
and coming up next would be dinie's. 13th . and elin,luqman,wai sekali.semua nye budak2 lopek birthday bulan disember.
cerita baru ? x ada kowt. ohh haha dlm kelas psychology of communication aku,ada budak dcc ni sem berapa ntah , dia mcm pelik2 sikit,so last week was our first class with encik syukran tu la,he asked us to introduce lepas dah ' my name is dhamira' , my name is tu & my name is ni,sampai laa kat budak botak ni . (aku panggil dia BB jea laa,budak botak),time sampai kat dia,encik syukran tanya,what is your name,n jawapan bb ialah ... jeng jeng jeng.. 'err,my name is torres'. pastu encik syukran tanya bb where are you from ? .. 'im from liverpool' . ahahahahahahahaha aku mmg bantai tahan gelak.adoii .. @.@
lupa nak ckp,birthday aziera ain was on the 1st of disember.happy birthday to her :)
and coming up next would be dinie's. 13th . and elin,luqman,wai sekali.semua nye budak2 lopek birthday bulan disember.
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